Sunday, September 23, 2007

Linao Health Seminar

The Health Seminar, led by Couples Celso & Raquel R.N. with daughters Racel & Tin (both nurses), aimed at teaching basic & practical steps of having a healthy body. This was also seen as a help in preventing Malaria in ways the community of Linao could practically do. One very helpful thing was how the team, taught alternatives for tootbrush and toothpaste. I never knew that the end of a guava stalk, when pressed, could be an alternative for toothbrush if in case the ones we gave out during the seminar wore out. They also explained how to use the salt as an alternative for toothpaste.

We gave out nail cutters, hair combs & clips. The team explained how to keep the body clean specially for the women. We demonstrated how to simply tie the hair of the little girls and they were all happy and smiling.

TOPICS: ◦ Basic Food Groups
- what are the food groups
- what do they do for the body
- example of the food groups found in the garden

◦ Good Grooming
- Brushing our Teeth
- Washing and Bathing
- Keeping clean (hair, fingers & toenails)

◦ The Story of Enteng Ebak
- Proper toxic waste disposal
- Practical Steps to keep food away from mosquitoes & fly
◦ Basic Herbal Treatment for common illness/diseases

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