Himamaylan Team
As of the moment, the team is now praying and preparing as they start a Youth Fellowship in the area of Himamaylan. Oscar sees this as an opportunity to reach out to the young people. After much time of building relationship in the area they have seen the potential of mobilizing among the youth and YMC will help the team in starting this work.
Sheralyn has shared that in the area, most mothers spend time playing cards and passing time by talking to each other near the base of the church planting team. This burdened the team and is now praying that through some livelihood seminars, they may be able to have the idle time of the community and serve as well as their strategy in reaching out to them. This is motivated by how some of the mothers have joined the team in their bible study groups instead of playing cards and just doing nothing by the sari-sari store.
The team praises the Lord for giving them four more bible study groups ever since their Saturday classes opened. They are continually praying as they see more and more parents willing to join their bible study groups.
Linao Team
Among the native people, sharing God’s love is sometimes very hard to do. But the team uses film showing still as a tool to visually relate to the Palawano people in Linao the importance of having a founded faith in God. The film showing usually relates to their daily living as natives in the rural set up and relating God’s role in their daily living.
The team’s passion for music and singing has captured the hearts of the many singing Palawano people and it is nice to see them spend time with each other at the team’s home base just singing after each bible study lesson.
The team has enhanced their evangelism strategy by participating in the recent Christian Training Camp held in Labog Palawan. Right now, the team will continue their bible study lessons focusing on truly making the Lord as their personal Saviour and assuring them of this as well as starting discipleship lessons that will eventually lead to baptism classes.
Please include in your prayers the health of the Linao team as well as their protection and safety. Most of all, please pray for the area of Linao as they get deeply rooted in the word of God.
As of the moment, the team is now praying and preparing as they start a Youth Fellowship in the area of Himamaylan. Oscar sees this as an opportunity to reach out to the young people. After much time of building relationship in the area they have seen the potential of mobilizing among the youth and YMC will help the team in starting this work.
Sheralyn has shared that in the area, most mothers spend time playing cards and passing time by talking to each other near the base of the church planting team. This burdened the team and is now praying that through some livelihood seminars, they may be able to have the idle time of the community and serve as well as their strategy in reaching out to them. This is motivated by how some of the mothers have joined the team in their bible study groups instead of playing cards and just doing nothing by the sari-sari store.
The team praises the Lord for giving them four more bible study groups ever since their Saturday classes opened. They are continually praying as they see more and more parents willing to join their bible study groups.
Linao Team
Among the native people, sharing God’s love is sometimes very hard to do. But the team uses film showing still as a tool to visually relate to the Palawano people in Linao the importance of having a founded faith in God. The film showing usually relates to their daily living as natives in the rural set up and relating God’s role in their daily living.
The team’s passion for music and singing has captured the hearts of the many singing Palawano people and it is nice to see them spend time with each other at the team’s home base just singing after each bible study lesson.
The team has enhanced their evangelism strategy by participating in the recent Christian Training Camp held in Labog Palawan. Right now, the team will continue their bible study lessons focusing on truly making the Lord as their personal Saviour and assuring them of this as well as starting discipleship lessons that will eventually lead to baptism classes.
Please include in your prayers the health of the Linao team as well as their protection and safety. Most of all, please pray for the area of Linao as they get deeply rooted in the word of God.
Ellen & Vida had the chance to visit the team and they are presently establishing their Children’s Ministry. Eugene and Mean teach the children in their neighborhood including hygiene, proper grooming, communicating and relating. Jose and Diego’s daughter, Ruth & Dorothy respectively helps in teaching them.
While Diego & Jose are very focused on reaching the student’s parents among the community, they continually pray for the adult contacts they have in Guinsorongan.
Eugene and Meriam were allowed by Guinsorongan Integrated School(GIS) as volunteers where Euguene designed the stage of the school and Meann will be teaching computer classes, by God’s grace, she will formally start these classes this June 2008
Please continually pray for the team as they work together in the area and pray for protection from what the enemy could be planning to do. Pray also for the barangay officials and community of Guinsorongan that they will come to know the Lord through the team.
While Diego & Jose are very focused on reaching the student’s parents among the community, they continually pray for the adult contacts they have in Guinsorongan.
Eugene and Meriam were allowed by Guinsorongan Integrated School(GIS) as volunteers where Euguene designed the stage of the school and Meann will be teaching computer classes, by God’s grace, she will formally start these classes this June 2008
Please continually pray for the team as they work together in the area and pray for protection from what the enemy could be planning to do. Pray also for the barangay officials and community of Guinsorongan that they will come to know the Lord through the team.
Bintat Kariz
As an update from one of the planted church in Rizal Palawan, Ella had the chance to visit Bintat Kariz (church planting team ‘05-‘07) congregation during the wilderness camp in Palawan. About 30-40 people, adult and kids are now attending the Sunday services and they have opened a bible study in another tribal area.
This June, Job and Anna Lagrada will be pioneering a pre-school in the Bintat Kariz area using the ACE curriculum. This is a praiseworthy item as literacy is very much needed in the children among the area.