Thursday, April 26, 2007

Linao Team Update

The new ECPM church planting team in Linao, Ipilan, Brookes Point, Palawan started the ministry on the second week of February. The team is composed of the couple Ricardo Amoto (64) and Vivencia Amoto (65) and the brothers, Ronnie Jontilano (29) and Bernie Jontilano (21).

The couple Ricardo and Vivencia lives in Calasaguen Brookes Point Palawan and the Jontilano brothers live in Maasin, Brookes Point, Palawan before they joined in the ECPM team now based in Linao, Ipilan, Brookes Point. Adjusting to their new community in Linao is not quite hard for the team since this is just another town in Brookes Point. The culture, language and traditions of the people are almost the same.

Linao can be reached by a jeepney or motorbike but some parts of the road are rough and muddy. The primary source of living of the people in Linao is gathering kopra (dried coconut flesh), making charcoal and planting rice. Market, school and hospitals are quite far from Linao. So, the team is used to walking far distances. Their water source is deep well and small brook.

The team’s first module was held on New Panay Gospel Hall at Maasin, Brookes Point where they studied knowing and reaching the community, team relationship and personal spiritual formation. New Panay Gospel Hall is one of the partnering churches for the church planting team in Linao together with Ipilan Christian Church.

Palawan Team Update

On April 2005, church planting team in Bentat Cariz, Guilingan, Rizal, Palawan started the two-year church planting training with the goal of having “30 baptized believers at the end of April 2007”. The first module was held on 11-14 April with 5 workers from different assemblies availed the training trough the Worker’s Enhancement Program. For the first year of stay in the site, the church planting team has developed friendship with the people in the community and established contacts. 40-50 people gathered every Sunday and 60+ during prayer meeting. They have weekly bible studies and daily literacy class for children and youth on mornings with more than 20 students. To reach the men in the community, the team organized a sports league near the mission base, last December 2005 which continues until now. Right now, there are 33 baptized believers including the chieftain of Bentat Cariz. During the baptism last August 2006, the chieftain testified before his people that “from now on, the Word of God will be our guide above our cultural beliefs and traditions though I know that my fellow chieftains in others villages will not welcome my decision.” Praise God for reaching out to these people.
Recently, the team in coordination with the Local Government Unit teach the people on malaria education. The team saw the need for this as many of their contacts have malaria. Even the team member, Jacob and Reynante suffered from it. This coming March, one of the team member, Reynante together with 3 other believers in another area, will be taught on malarial smear. This is also part of the malaria education program of the government.
To help the community on livelihood program, they organized a project called “community garden” where they encourage the people to plant upland ice.

Last December 14, 2006, a mass wedding was held at Bentat Cariz organized by the church planting team. Fifteen (15) couples were married which was officiated by Bro. Elvin Buenviaje together with the municipal mayor of Rizal, Palawan. Majority of the couples who have been married were already living together. This wedding is not an ordinary wedding since this is the first mass wedding held in Bentat Cariz. This is a big leap to the tribal tradition of just an agreement between the family of lovers if the couple wants to live together. Traditionally, there is no wedding ceremony and no marriage contract was signed. However, since the couples who have been married were already believers of Jesus Christ, they believe that this is what God wants them to do – to be united as one through the bond of marriage. Praise God!

As the team are now on the last quarter of their 2-year training, their sending churches, Iniaran Gospel Hall and Tagumagas Gospel Hall are now planning their next move for the spontaneity of the work. The team members Reynante, and the couple Jacob and Analisa are praying to reach more people in another community. They are currently training 10 believers to become leaders of the newly planted church.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Present Sites

Present Church Planting Sites


1. Linao, Ipilan, Brooke's Point, Palawan
2. Salipsip, Polillo Island, Quezon Province